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The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Forms for Signing: February 28, 2006 Meeting Minutes: John W. made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. February 2006 Sewer Purchase Journal: After some discussion regarding Home Depot and Skywave Safety, John W. made a motion to approve the February sewer purchase journal as printed, seconded by Aaron S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. February 2006 Water Purchase Journal: After some discussion regarding New London Computer and Combustion Services, John W. made a motion to approve the February 2006 Water Purchase Journal, seconded by Tracy N., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. LAGM 1020 Abatement Request: Robert H. reported that he had met with Bob Brown and that this request was the result of their meeting. Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement request with the stipulation that the remainder of the charges be paid within 30 days, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Wastewater Treatment Highlights: Dave B. reported that they have been cleaning up at the plant. He has spoken with Tom White regarding the permit that is pending for the plant and that the changes needed to comply could be extensive. New testing for and removal of phosphorus will be required as well as a new limit on copper. There was some discussion regarding corrosion control. Dave B. has also met with Mike Rainey regarding sludge quality certification, and has received a call from DES stating that the Town needs to have a written agreement with someone to receive septic. There was some discussion regarding Abbott and Stearns septic. John W. would try to come up with a recommendation and present it to the selectmen. Dave M. brought up perhaps utilizing the GeoBags for septic dumping. Dave B. presented a letter from the Joint Loss Management Committee that would require better control of the area utilized to dump campers at the plant. There was some discussion regarding other places that campers could be allowed to dump. John W. would respond to the committee that there is not a liability concern as there is always an employee available at the time of dumping. There was some discussion regarding the potential upgrades needed to the plant for compliance with the new permit. Dave M. stated that when the time comes to upgrade he would like to present a new idea regarding engineering costs. Gus S. questioned what remedy to the manhole issue Sunapee was proposing and if lowering the pipe was the decision. He questioned if Sunapee wished to have New London do the work and send the bill, or if Sunapee will want to do the work itself. There was some discussion regarding what would be done and how it would be taken care of. Robert H. questioned if New London would be billing Sunapee for some of the pump station improvements. Gus S. stated that New London did plan on billing Sunapee for some of the improvements. Aaron S. stated that according to the intertown agreement, Sunapee might vote to pay for some of the upgrades if they wish but are not required to pay for them. Gus S. stated that the reason for the upgrades is that there have been many changes since 1981. There was some discussion regarding the amount of storage capacity that would be lost by lowering the pipe at the pump station. Gus S. passed out a spreadsheet that shows the differences between the town line meter and the Georges Mills pump station meters. He stated that New London has been working with Ed Rushbrook to find out what is going on with the readings and he has found that the Georges Mills figures are the more accurate ones. Gus S. suggested that the only solution would be to replace the town line meter, and in order for New London to bill Sunapee for 2005 historical percentages would have to be used. There was some discussion regarding what had been done to adjust the meters at town line and Georges Mills. Aaron S. and Robert H. feel that the 11% is not really an accurate number to utilize. Dave M. stated that he would like to get rid of the meters and questioned if meters could be put in Sunapee’s lines to measure Georges Mills flows. Dave M. would propose getting the Commissions together to agree on a number to be used. Robert H. would have Ed Rushbrook come and address the issue. John W. would propose doing this prior to the next regular meeting. The Commissions decided to hold the next joint quarterly meeting on April 18, 2006 in New London and to invite Ed Rushbrook to attend and address the billing issues. Gus S. mentioned the study that was done on identifying benefits of a New London public works department and this should be presented shortly. New London departed at 6:45. Watershed Coalition: Robert H. presented Robert Wood of LSPA. Robert W. presented a powerpoint update on the coalition. They would like to have a representative of the Commission join the coalition. The presentation ended at 7:25. Water Treatment Highlights: Dave B. reported that the voters approved the Lake Ave. water line replacement. There have been many engineers stopping by the office to see what projects are coming up to be done. Aaron S. questioned if there had been any RFP’s presented to different engineers. There has been nothing done as of yet. There was some discussion about what needs to be done first. After much discussion regarding engineering firms and the time schedule for the project, John W. made a motion to request that Underwood Engineers present a proposal for their engineering of Lake Avenue along with a proposed time schedule, seconded by Helen C., voted 6 in favor, 1 opposed, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman. Aaron S. stated that there was a need to hold a special meeting to go over the issue. John W. would request that Underwood have the proposal ready for the 18th of April as the Commission will be meeting with New London on that date. After some discussion regarding asking other Engineering Firms for proposals, John W. made a motion to reconsider the vote, seconded by Aaron S., the majority voted in favor, so declared by the Chairman. John W. made a motion to request proposals from Underwood and Dufresne-Henry be submitted by April 18, 2006, and if the Chairman decides that Underwood can not meet the April 18th deadline then more time could be offered to both firms, seconded by Tracy N., the majority voted in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Dave B. has received a proposal from Liquid Engineering for inspecting and cleaning the 3 water tanks. The proposal is for $4,100. The concrete tank is still leaking and the department has not been able to locate where the leak is yet. After some discussion regarding the tanks, Dave M. made a motion to spend up to $4,100 for cleaning and inspecting the tanks and up to $5,000 to repair the leak, seconded by Aaron S., after much discussion regarding what to do about the tanks, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Dave B. presented that he has a proposal from Henry Cunningham for locating leaks in town. Aaron S. made a motion to approve the $5,200 as long as it does not include the 3200 feet of Lake Avenue that is to be redone, after some discussion Aaron S. withdrew his motion. Aaron S. made a motion to spend up to $5,200 for leak locating, seconded by Helen C., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Old & New Business: Dave b. has received a quote to change the 2 pumps at Woodland Road pump station. Aaron S. would table the discussion. Robert H. would wait and ask Underwood about them during the Capital Improvement Plan study. Dave B. presented pictures of a truck that he would like to purchase from the White Farm for a sum of $3,400. After some discussion regarding why there was a need for another vehicle, Tracy N. made a motion to approve spending $3,400 for the orange truck, seconded by Charles S., after some discussion regarding budgets, voted 4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman. Granliden Letter: Aaron S. stated that he has a problem with the last paragraph, Dave M. stated that in the past other people have not paid attachment fees for buildings that were in existence before 1986. After some discussion regarding the ordinances and Rick Skarinka’s talk with the Commission, John stated that he would respond by saying that #1 there is no giving, #2 yes, #3 the Commission would consider the use of HDPE if our engineers agree, #4 the Commission needs to speak with council for an opinion on the attachment fee ordinance, and #5 that the line is to run down Jobs Creek Road. Robert H. would fax a copy of the ordinance to the Town Attorney for review. Aaron S. questioned how much could be spent on this. John W. made a motion to allow Aaron S. to spend up to $500 to hire Martin Gross, if Martin is not available then the Commission would use Tim Bates, seconded by Aaron S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Election of Officers: John W. made a motion to continue with the current officers, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. 9:40 p.m. Aaron S. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Tracy N., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. Submitted by Holly Leonard. Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2006. _________________________________ __________________________________ Robert Henry, Chairman Tracy Nangeroni, Vice-Chairman _________________________________ __________________________________ Aaron Simpson Charles Smith _________________________________ __________________________________ Helen Charpentier John Wheeler _________________________________ David Montambeault PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Town of Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission March 30, 2006 Minutes IXjm? 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